Rabu, 09 April 2014

How To Make Cornflakes Chocolate

·         Corn Flakes Cereal
·         Chocolate
·         Garnish
·         Water 
·         Small Paper Cup

The steps :
·         1.First, Turn on the stove and then boil water in the pan until boiling
·         2.Second, Cut the chocolate, put into a bowl heat-resistant, and then put the bowl above boiling water
·         3.Third, After the chocolate is boiling turn off the stove and lift the bowl
·         4.Forth, Put in the corn flakes cereal into the chocolate boiling
·         5.Fifth, Stir cornflakes until flat
·         6.Sixth, Take the chocolate cornflakes with a spoon then put into a paper cup and give the garnish
·         7.Seventh, Save the chocolate cornflakes into the fridge until the chocolate hardens
·         8.Eighth, After harden put the chocolate cornflakes into sterofom

Minggu, 06 April 2014

How To Make Pop Ice

Material :
·       1. Blender
·       2. Glass
·       3. A sachet of pop ice
·       4. Half of glass of smoothed ice
·       5. Half of glass of water
·       6. Two tablespoons of sugar water
·       7. Chocolate of condensed milk

The Steps :
·       1. First, put in the ice, water, water sugar, and a sachet of ice pop into the blender
·       2. Second,plug in the cable into the jack
·       3. Third, turn on the blender and wait until they become to be smooth
·       4. Fourth, while you are waiting  for it, you can decorate the glass with the condensed milk
·       5. Fifth, after they become to be smooth, pour them to the glass that you have prepared
·       6. Sixth, decorate the top of pop ice which already finished with the condensed milk
·       7. The last, serve while it is cold

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Beautiful Hair

1.Single heart braid
2,Ribbon braids
3.Perfect wedding hair


Ciri-ciri cowok

1.Cowok kalau udah nyaman sama satu cewek dia bakalan setia dan akan mempertahankan hubungannya.

2. Cowok itu memiliki rasa ketakutan yg tinggi pada sebuah penolakan

3. Cowok harus memikirkan bagaimana cara untuk membahagiakan hubungan mereka, bukan hanya diri dia sendiri

4. Cowok itu akan lebih memilih apa kata hati mereka dibandingkan kata dari orang lain

5. Cowok sangat pintar merayu pasangannya ketika sedang marah.


1.Kalo cewek lagi kangen sama pasangannya, kayanya cewek jadi punya 2 kemampuan, marah dan uring-uringan gak jelas.

2.Udah sering dikecewain, tapi tetep aja setia. Yaa kira-kira begitulah cewek. Semua karena dia terlalu sayang sama cowoknya. :')

3 Namanya juga cewek, sabarnya sabar banget, sayangnya sayang banget, setianya setia banget. Diputusin? Galaunya galau banget. :')

4. Cewek pake hati & cowok pake logika, jadi wajar kalo perasaan cewek mudah terluka dan tetep aja berusaha untuk tegar mempertahankan. :')

5. Cewek itu selalu berusaha menjadi yang terbaik untuk cowoknya meskipun cowoknya jarang kasih yang terbaik untuk dia. :')